For those of you who don't know, the Yuma Hamfest is the site of the
2020 ARRL SW Division Convention. Complete information is available at:
The dates are Friday - Sunday, Feb 14-16 with the Fairgrounds opening on
Thursday, Feb 13 at 2:00PM for setup and camping locations. Camping is
available on the Fairgrounds.
As usual, I'll be there both selling and putting on the Antenna Clinic.
Helping out as usual will be Joe Corones and Joe Laughlin from San
Diego. This year, we'll also be joined by Jerry Boyd, WB8FWK. Jerry is
our new ARRL US ARDF Coordinator who is taking the place of Joe Moell,
K0OV, who retired from that position last year.
Also for anyone attending and wants to join us for our T-hunting dinner
on Friday night, let me know so I can add you to the list and send the
restaurant time and location information.
Marvin, KE6HTS
Thanks for catching that. Those were my typos. Indeed he needs a 572B.
I'm changing the email subject now going forward to avoid further confusion.
On Fri, Jan 10, 2020, 10:25 Jay Hennigan via SBARC-list <
sbarc-list(a)> wrote:
> We need to find out exactly what tube they need. The initial email has
> both 527B and 572B in the text so one is a typo. Subject of your email
> to the list says 529B.
> On 1/10/20 08:52, Levi C. Maaia - K6LCM via SBARC-list wrote:
> > Hello SBARC,
> >
> > As some of you know, I have a connection to a radio club in Havana after
> > visiting Cuba twice in 2014-15. Hams in Cuba have very limited access to
> > equipment, supplies and tools but they make do amazingly well with what
> > they can access. However, some
> > things cannot be easily improvised, and vacuum tubes are one such
> > commodity.
> >
> > My friend Joel CO2YQ is in need of a 527B tube. Here's what he said
> > (translated):
> >
> > "I need to find out with the colleagues of the Santa Barbara Club, if
> > someone has a 572B valve that I am not using and can donate it to me, my
> > linear is somewhat old a FL2000B and the valves it has are already very
> > low emission."
> >
> > If anyone has a 527B that they would be willing to contribute, please
> > let me know and I will bring it down to Joel's shack. I will be headed
> > to Havana at the end of the month (Jan 23-30) for a documentary film
> > scout and I could bring it then.
> >
> > You can read more about my initial contact with Joel and visiting his
> > station in QST:
> >
> >
> > 73
> > K6LCM
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > SBARC-list mailing list
> > SBARC-list(a)
> >
> >
Hello SBARC,
As some of you know, I have a connection to a radio club in Havana after
visiting Cuba twice in 2014-15. Hams in Cuba have very limited access to
equipment, supplies and tools but they make do amazingly well with what
they can access. However, some
things cannot be easily improvised, and vacuum tubes are one such
My friend Joel CO2YQ is in need of a 527B tube. Here's what he said
"I need to find out with the colleagues of the Santa Barbara Club, if
someone has a 572B valve that I am not using and can donate it to me, my
linear is somewhat old a FL2000B and the valves it has are already very low
If anyone has a 527B that they would be willing to contribute, please let
me know and I will bring it down to Joel's shack. I will be headed to
Havana at the end of the month (Jan 23-30) for a documentary film scout and
I could bring it then.
You can read more about my initial contact with Joel and visiting his
station in QST: