Greeting to all,
TRW SWAPMEET & PALM SPRINGS HAMFEST - Saturday 1/29 at about 6am (not
tomorrow, but the following Saturday) , I'll be driving to the TRW Swapmeet
and possibly on to the Palm Springs Hamfest. I can carry several people in
my van, so let me know if you'd like to drive along. The agenda (whether or
not to go to the Hamfest or other stops along the way) and the time to
return will be determined by those who want to go.
ATV REPEATER WORKGROUP - Sunday, 1/30 from 2pm to about 6pm, I'll be taking
a crew of volunteers to the KTYD transmitter site on Gibraltar Road to work
on the ATV Repeater. There are several things to do for all skill levels.
We'll move a rack, install coax and antennas, relocate cameras, make
adjustments and set up a computer with Ham WiFi links. You can help make
the repeater work better, learn in the process and get a guided tour of the
If you want to participate in either of these activities or just have
questions about what we're doing, send me an email at wb9kmo(a)
Join in the fun,
Rod Fritz, WB9KMO