SBARC Special Interest Group Night
November 16, 2007
A week from this coming Friday night, the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club will be holding its annual election of officers. And as is the recent custom, we use that evening to put on display the favorite "stuff" of our Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
Whether your interest is DX chasing, Amateur Television (ATV), Transmitter Hunting, communicating through Amateur Satellites, PSK-31, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), Antenna Construction, Automatic Position Reporting Systems (APRS), Weak Signal Communications (QRP), Microwave Mountain-Topping, or any other part of our great hobby that you just can't get enough of, bring over an example of it or an entire system and put it on display for the rest of us to look at and try to understand what it is all about. Grab a table in the room and use all of it or part of it to display your gear.
Don't forget to make a little write-up about your equipment and place it near your things and don't forget your name and callsign on it as well. Tell about whether it is commercially made or you designed/built it, how old it is, where you have used it, what you have accomplished with it, etc.
This should be a lot of fun. It always is.
The SBARC meeting begins at 7:30 P.M. and is held at the Goleta Union School District, 401 N. Fairview Ave. and is directly across the street from the Goleta Library. Come early, set up your gear and shake some hands. If you are able, please bring some kind of refreshments for the group.
Oh, do check out the Free-to-Good-Home table -- and bring some of your junque to add to it. Remember, if nobody takes what you brought, please remove it after the meeting.
See you there!
Darryl Widman, KF6DI
Director, SBARC