JOTA Weekend October 15 and 16, 2005
We of the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club are planning on utilizing our
new Rover van for the JOTA (Jamboree-on-the-Air), an international Boy
Scout/Amateur Radio joint affair. We will drive it to the Boy Scouts of
America Los Padres Council Camp Allegre located along Highway 154 near
the entrance to Lake Cachuma. We will position it in the open area near
the flagpoles. From that vantage point, propogation to all directions
except south should be possible. From that exact location, I was able to
contact Japan ten years ago during the Webelos Scout campout.
So far, the ideas shaping up for JOTA include the following activities:
(1) JOTA HF radio contacts with Scouts talking over our radios in the
Rover van with other Scouts far away. We are planning on fastening a
large map of the US (thanks to Will Teft, KG6GHK) to the side of the van
whereby the Scouts can place a magnet with their name on it on that point
on the map to show their buddies where they made that radio contact.
(2) Transmitter hunting with, possibly, ARDF (map and compass work).
Several transmitters can be running in timed sequence. Marvin Johnston,
KE6HTS, and possibly Joe Moell, K0OV, will help set up an outstanding
course for the boys, along with personalized instruction. Helpers are
encouraged to come out and lend a hand. Be an Elmer!
(3) Morse Code practice oscillator kit construction (including soldering)
as a superb souvenier of the JOTA weekend. You can bet the Scouts will
be encouraged to learn the code and begin studying for their first ham
license. Use of hand tools will be shown.
(4) Amateur Television with Rod Fritz, WB9KMO, demonstrating several
modes. Sending video from various campsites to a receiver at the Rover
van will be very fascinating. Possibility of Slow Scan has been
discussed. If possible, a relay setup to be able to link into the ATV
net in Southern California will be examined.
(5) Campfire with skits and singing, awarding JOTA patches for excelling
in above activities. Mike Jogoleff, WA6MBZ, ordered 12 @$4 ea along with
200 wallet-sized cards -- one per Scout. The Scout units will control
the campfire.
(6) Above cards to be presented to Scouts and colored stickum stars to be
affixed for completing each activity as the weekend progresses.
(7) Radio Merit Badge work. We will need those willing to become merit
badge counselors. Merit badge pamphlets and cards will be needed.
The Scout office is excited about this whole event. Scout leaders are in
the loop already and are looking forward to JOTA. You can bet they will
be talking it up with their boys. They have planning to do, such as
meals/cooking, preparing their campsites, transportation, what to pack,
If any of you has another idea for an activity, please get in touch with
me. We will be needing at least 25 hams present to keep things moving.
Please be one of them!
Thank you and 73,
Darryl Widman, KF6DI