If you are interested in following the balloon chase the Calnet repeater in Santa Barbara is W6AMS (yes me) and it is receive at 447.740 Transmit on 442.740 with a PL of 107.2.


Andy W6AMS


From: Marshall Oldham [mailto:ke6pcv@cal-net.org]
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 7:31 PM
To: Calnet Members Mailing List
Subject: [Calnet] Balloon Launch on Sunday July 31, 2011




Here are the call signs of the two balloons that will be launched tomorrow, July 31, 2011 at around 0700 our time. Tentatively the first will launch around 0700 and the second balloon will launch 1/2 hour later. The balloons are going to be launched from the Palmdale area. They would normally launch from the Ojai area but the modeling software that the balloon aficionado used showed that if launched from Ojai they would come down somewhere near the islands off the coast of Santa Barbara. So that is the reason for the launch from Palmdale. The predicted path takes them North towards Mojave and then the balloons head west towards the Bakersfield area and possible places further west.

The two callsigns to follow on the APRS network are W6WLW-11 (yes that is the callsign of one of our new members). He plans on using Calnet as a good communications artery for comm between the chasers looking for the balloons as they burst and then parachute to Planet Earth. The other callsign to watch for on the APRS networks and internet is KJ6KUV-11. The last launch that was held about two months ago was fun to watch on the internet. KJ6KUV was responsible for that launch also. So if you are interested tune in and see how the launch and chase unfold.

Thanks and 73

Eddie Pierce