On May 12, 2021 at 07:35:57, esubscriptions@santabarbaraca.gov (esubscriptions@santabarbaraca.gov) wrote:
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SANTA BARBARA, CA - 5/12/2021
The Fire Department has determined that the cause of Saturday's structure fire at 1322 Dover Road to be accidental in nature and most likely caused by an electrical malfunction.
The fire, which resulted in the total destruction of the single family residence, caused over $1,850,000 in total damages. The single occupant who was home at the time of the fire escaped without injury and there were no reported firefighter injuries.
The fire was first reported at approximately 9:55 AM on Saturday, May 8th, 2021. Santa Barbara City Fire Department responded multiple engines and the ladder truck to the Riviera neighborhood for the fire attack and were assisted with additional resources from Santa Barbara County Fire and Montecito Fire Protection District. Upon arrival, the structure was fully involved with flames rolling out of nearly every window. Firefighters aggressively attacked the fire from the exterior of the building and provided exposure protection to keep flames from spreading to surrounding vegetation and neighboring residences.
The Santa Barbara City Fire Department would like to remind everyone that early notification to 911 is the first step to reducing potential devastation and loss of life as a result of fast moving fires.
Photos courtesy of the Santa Barbara City Fire Department.
Amber Anderson, Wildland Fire Specialist / PIO
Phone: (805) 331-5406
Email: AAnderson@SantaBarbaraCA.gov###
City of Santa Barbara
735 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
p. (805) 963-0611 | f. (805) 564-5475