Hello SBARC Members and friends of SBARC ATVSIG,


There is now an ATV NEWS button on the front page of our website, www.sbarc.org.


ATV NEWS will contain frequent updates on what’s happening with ATV in Santa Barbara.  I hope you check it out daily to see what’s going on.


Coming soon…  Watch for our CONSTRUCTION NIGHT button, which will describe what we’ll be doing at the Club Station on Thursday nights from 7:30 to 9:30.  If you have a project you want us to help you with (anything ham radio-related), we’ll round up appropriate elmers for you.  This Thursday, I’ll introduce you to some of the ATV equipment we use and recommend.  Some is for sale now, as long as supplies last.  Watch for our ATV SHOPPING LIST, which will be published shortly.  This document lists equipment, where you can buy it and prices.  


Here’s a sample of what’s in ATV NEWS today…  - Rod Fritz, WB9KMO



Last Updated on February 28, 2011


RodneyScottFritzWe hope you’ll visit this site every day to see what’s happening with ATV in Santa Barbara.


Thank you for your interest and participation.


Rod Fritz, WB9KMO

ATVSIG Committee Chair




Last Updated on February 28, 2011


atn_247x68With great effort and perseverance, we have finally linked Oat Mountain to Oxnard with a P5 picture and Oxnard to Santa Barbara with a P2 picture.  A 5.8 GHz preamp is being built.  When installed, we expect a P5 picture.  Please have patience as we fine-tune this important addition to our system. 


This link allows us to watch the Amateur Television Network, interconnecting seven ATV Repeaters in southern California with dozens of active members.  


The Amateur Television Network provides…

·       ATN Net – Every Tuesday night at 7:30pm

·       SBARC ATV Net – Every Tuesday night at 8:30pm

·       San Bernardino Microwave Meetings - The first Thursday of the month at 7:00pm

·       Spanish-English Net – Every Saturday at 9:00am, 12:00pm or 4:00pm

·       Sunday Morning Net – Every Sunday Morning at 9:00am

·       Live, real-time video contacts between members – Anytime, but primarily evenings and on weekends

·       A world-class ATN website at www.atn-tv.org

·       An ATN Calendar of events at http://atn-tv.org/calendar.php


The best way to watch is to directly receive the WB9KMO ATV Repeater on 1277.25 MHz.  If you don’t have an ATV receiver yet, you can view the WB9KMO video stream at www.batc.tv > ATV Repeaters > WB9KMO-ATN or the ATN video stream at www.batc.tv > ATV Repeaters > W6ATN.


Several SBARC members generously offered their time and skills to make this happen. 


Thank you.


Last Updated on February 28, 2011


NewRptr 006The roadmap is a list of our projects and priorities. 


This is what we’re working on now…


1.      5.8 GHz Link from Oxnard (Won’t it be great to get solid video from L.A.?) – P2 picture achieved, preamp expected to give us P5

2.      2.4 GHz Audio Level Adjustment (This will allow you to hear me and the new Club Station TX) – Adjusted and ready to test

3.      Club Station 2.4 GHz Signal Optimization (Ensure a high-quality video signal into the repeater) – Need to install an antenna bracket

4.      2.4 GHz Link to Santiago Peak (Won’t it be great to send solid video to L.A.?) – Need to layout components in the outdoor cabinet

5.      Activate the SBARC ATVSIG Committee (Increase ATV activity and use ATV regularly in SBARC operations) – Planning to set up a meeting shortly

6.      2.4/5 GHz WiFi (This offers incredible flexibility; you may want to try hitting this from your house…) – Conducting a site survey

7.      Computer Installation (This will allow all sorts of exciting new features, including WiFi high-definition pix and video) – Configuring a laptop and a rack-mount PC

8.      Camera installation (SB, Goleta and ocean views from the mountain whenever you want) – Replacing cables on two existing cameras

9.      Sell a double-wide outdoor rack ($50), a lawn mower ($30) and a weed-whacker ($30) (tidying up a bit to be good citizens) – For sale

10.  Other SBARC ATVSIG projects

·       LCD TV – Installed at the Club Station

·       Hardline to Tower – Need to acquire and install

·       ATV and WiFi in Rover – Need to make a funding proposal

·       SBARC Video Library – Need volunteers to copy disks and manage the library

·       Video Recording and Streaming – Need volunteers for cameras and streaming at events

·       ATVSIG Members List – Need a volunteer to maintain this list

11.  Other ATV Repeater projects

·       146 MHz Remote Base (ATV Talkback and SSTV) – Complete priority projects first

·       1.2 GHz Remote Base (ATN Talkback and Control) – Complete priority projects first

·       Link ATV Repeater to AllStarNet or EchoLink - Complete priority projects first

·       Link ATV to Other Locations - Complete priority projects first


What do you want to help with?  Let me know at wb9kmo@sbarc.org and let’s make this happen. 


Rod Fritz, WB9KMO