The SBARC general
meeting is this Friday, March 16, 2001 - we'll want to invite everyone
to come out - titled "Big Eye in the SKY" about satellites.
(Check Key-Klix for more info, if you want to mention
The Beginner's
T-hunt is held the second Saturday of every month and begins at Stow
House in Goleta (off Los Carneros). Also, this weekend at Hillcrest
Park in Fullerton will be an ARDF practice. And the US ARDF
Championships will be taking place in Albuquerque July 31 - Aug 4, and
at least three HAMS from SB will be participating. Last year the group
went to China.
Also, some events to mention:
Field Day in June,
Electronics Bazaar July 14, same day as a VE session. HamFest in
August, also with a VE session.
Operating events: March 31 = MS Walk,
April 7th =
Brain Cancer Awareness Walk.
The ASAP bike
Fiesta Parade in early
SB Co. Triathlon in late
Carp Triathlon in
MS Bike Fest October
20th, 2001.
SBNewsPress Half Marathon
in November