QST All CW Ops -

The message below was sent out with the ARRL weekly newsletter and I'm
passing it along.  If you're trying to learn the code or have already passed
your 5-wpm test, this should be a good chance to practice copying at slow
speeds.  If you are licensed to operate CW then by all means check-in to the
net.  Give it a try!  Remember... If you don't use it you loose it!

* Slow Speed Code Practice Net on 40 meters: The Metro Amateur Radio Club's
Slow Speed Code Practice Net meets on the second, third, and fourth Wednesday
of each month at 7 PM Central (currently 0100 UTC) on 7.138 MHz (plus or
minus QRM). Listen for "CQ MAC" and send your call sign at your speed. The
net will QRS to match the speed of the slowest op. FISTS members are free to
exchange numbers with other participants. Net control is Philip, K9PL. For
more information, send e-mail to mac@qsl.net or visit the MAC Web site,
http://www.qsl.net/mac .

73 de Denny AD6EZ<><