Could someone make a video of tonight's presentation for those unable to attend?

Many thanks in advance...



                    Stephen Travis Pope   Santa Barbara, California, USA    

On Sep 16, 2016, at 1:01 AM, Darryl Widman <> wrote:

SBARC Club Meeting Friday night, September 16, 2016
7:30 PM Friday, September 16, 2016  You won't want to miss this presentation!
  <SBARC 1920 logo.png>              <redcross-logo.png> 
<Railroad tanker cars punctured.jpg>  <Chlorine death sign.jpg>  <Red Cross Hazmat at the airport.jpg>                                               
It is 3:12 in the morning. You are awakened by the sputtering sound of a very, very low flying plane headed westerly next to our foothills and making that left turn toward the ocean in order to land at the Santa Barbara Airport. The plane has a leaking fuel line that has completely emptied the fuel tank of the plane. Just as the plane glides over La Patera Lane, the tower mistakenly advises the pilot that he had better pull up on the stick or he will collide with a south bound Union Pacific freight train just passing that landing path of the airport. That train which is traveling at 60 mph from Oakland to Los Angeles is close to 200 cars in length and not about to slow down. Pulling up on the stick makes the plane take a quick dive, skimming just over the Hwy 101 traffic and dropping those critical few feet lower. The pilot says a quick prayer but then perishes as the plane collides into the sides of 3 tanker cars that are carrying caustic chlorine trifluoride which immediately begins leaking out of the tanker cars as the train continues its journey down the coast. The chemical was to arrive at Aerojet Rocketdyne for propulsion system testing but will never get there now. The tower hurridly notifies Santa Barbara County Fire which initiates the Reverse 911 system to awaken and notify all residents and businesses in the South County to immediately evacuate and move to higher ground. Yes, it is now 3:14 AM. Sleeping people don't even want to answer their phones at this time of the night. The freight train continues right through Santa Barbara as SB County Office of Emergency Services, in conjunction with its Ventura County counterpart, notifies Union Pacific to have the engineer to stop the train along the Rincon where the population density is lower than at other places . . . .
Yes, the above scenario was made up. But, what would you do if a real disaster struck Santa Barbara, Carpinteria or Goleta today or tonight? Would you be prepared? Find out how you can better plan for potential, horrible disasters by attending this Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club special presentation by Rebecca Anderson of the Santa Barbara Chapter of the American Red Cross. Rebecca will be standing in for Ryan McMahon who is now unable to make it because of a health related instance. Rebecca, a volunteer with the American Red Cross, has been a trainer of trainers. In fact, she has trained presenters of the program you will see at our Club meeting. And, remember her terrific presentation to us last year? Indeed, it was terrific. 
<Anderson29 50%.jpg> Rebecca will be presenting to SBARC members the Red Cross 'Ready Adult Presentation' which is a 45 minute presentation covering the three steps to preparing individuals and families at home and in the workplace to 1) Build a Kit, 2) Make a Disaster Plan, and 3) Be Informed before, during and after a disaster. We often become lackadaisical about such things if we haven't experienced an emergency situation in a long time. Now is the time to get ourselves up to speed on these issues because the next emergency could be just around the corner! This is a presentation that you really don’’t want to miss!
Rebecca is looking forward to being with us tonight and introducing herself to our newer Club members who missed her presentation last year. She will be bringing plenty of handouts as we can't possibly remember everything. She will also explain how our Club members can become volunteers with the Red Cross, should they desire. 
Also, at this SBARC meeting, you will hear from President Brian Milburn, K6BPM, about the continuing saga of our Digital Mesh Network and how you can get involved with it. By now you have probably heard that there is a whole lot of progress being made on the project and that more and more of us are finding it very exciting. Brian will also let us know more about how the Club Station is evolving – and it certainly is. Levi Maaia, K6LCM, would like to tell us about our Telecommunications group and what they are doing. Also, at this meeting, we will raffle off a couple of those much-wanted pocket-sized frequency counters as well as that nifty shelf system to put in that place you call ‘home’ for an instant radio operating position. Last month we didn’t meet at our regular meeting place so we couldn’t raffle off our neat prizes, so let’s do it at this meeting. Bring money!
Our annual Hamfest is this Sunday to be held at Stow Grove Park on La Patera Lane in Goleta just before it intersects Cathedral Oaks Rd. We will be in Area 1. This once-a-year SBARC event will run from 9:30 AM until 2:30 PM or until everyone decides they can’t stand any more fun! Neat raffle prizes, games for all ages, fantastic Tri-Tip Barbecue, Transmitter Hunt, plenty of time to sit and chat and swap QSL cards (bring your best one for the QSL card contest) – just too much fun. Oh, brush up on your Morse Code for the QLF contest. Bring your own cold drinks. 
We hold our monthly Club Meetings at the Goleta Union School District, 401 No. Fairview Ave. in Goleta, right across the street from the Goleta Library. This Friday’s meeting begins at 7:30 PM but come early and look at all the Free-to-Good-Home stuff your friends have brought for you to see and take home. Be sure that you bring yours for them! Before the meeting begins is a good time to shake a few hands and bring in those cookies and cakes and fruit you brought along for the refreshment break because you are such a neat person! And we all do thank you for that.
Come and join or rejoin the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club. If you do so at this exciting meeting, you will be a paid-up member in good standing until October 1, 2017. Two bucks a month. Geesh. Do it!  
Did you say that your YL loves to bake cookies? Would she let you bring a bunch to our Club meeting? Seriously, we do need munchies. We were hurting for munchies at the last few meetings. Be a good guy (or gal). Thanks.
<chocolate%20chip%20cookies[1].png>      <Grapes[2].jpg>