Minutes from mornings briefing.

About 45 people in attendance

Conference call with lots of others

Meeting started at 9:01am

Lewin starts:

Safety briefing

Exits/First Aid in kitchen/ AED in hallway

Current Situation:

Until last night SB was only care and support of Ventura

As of last night fire became a threat to SB

Law and fire are now part of unified command

SB is now directly involved

“Voluntary evacuation” was issued for Carp as a result.

Maps and Plans available for that

2-3 am there was a need for a portion of Rincon to be evacuated

Sheriff's deputies went door to door

300 residents and 90 homes were impacted

They were directed to UCSB (something about animals)


First time to activate this center (did I hear that right?)

Director of EOC is now on shifts

Brian Yule(?) is section chief

Going around the room pointing out the roles in the organization right now.

Fire is behind Carpinteria (as far as SB cares)

Fire has reached “divide peak”, further inland behind carp

Between ventura and SB counties

If true fire is much further into federal lands than we realized earlier this morning

County and Ops strike team at La Conchita kept structure lost to minimum.

Lost two buildings (1 outbuilding and 1 abandoned)

This was managed well

Forest Service is concerned about the amount of fire is in their protection area.

Trying to resolve how the teams are going to cooperate.   Good communication.

Briefing concluded at 10am

Next planned briefing at 9am on 12/8

Brian - K6BPM