SBARC Club Meeting for April 20, 2012
by Darryl Widman, KF6DI, SBARC Program Chairman
SBARC on Santa Ynez Peak and Other Places
with our own Bill Talanian, W1UUQ, Chairman
SBARC Telecommunications Committee
Up on the ladder is Steven Nelson, KD6VEX, one of the good guys who freely gives of his time and effort in behalf of Amateur Radio and the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club. Bill Talanian, W1UUQ, our Chairman of Telecommunications lives and breathes repeaters, mountain-tops, co-ordinating radio communications with public service agencies and setting up radio operations for these groups. It is fine people like this who continue to give the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club its good name.
Bill can always be found, if you know where to look for him, planning, discussing, organizing, putting up and tearing down anything having to do with telecommunications in our general area. This Friday at our club meeting, you will find Bill in the front of the room telling us about what SBARC is up to regarding radio communications in our behalf (or someone else's) and is always anxious to answer questions in as much detail as he feels we can comprehend! Along that line, Bill is always looking for good, able-bodied folks to lend a hand, roll up their sleeves, help raise/lower structures for radio communications and, generally, get involved with getting good, clean signals from here to there.
Come to our April 20, 2012 club meeting and learn more about what Bill and his team of good guys are up to lately.
Please bring some goodies for the refreshment table. It will be appreciated. Remember that the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club holds its monthly club meetings at the Goleta Union School District, 401 No. Fairview Ave. in Goleta, right across the street from the Goleta Library. It all begins at 7:30 PM but come early to meet a whole lot of good people and also, see what others brought for the Free-To-Good-Home table. Please bring yours and remember to take it back with you if no one wanted it!

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