HF bands beckon - so you need an antenna.  I have available a Cushcraft A3WS with the add-on to cover 30/17/12 meters, and an A4S with the add-on to cover 40/20/15/10 meters.  These beams are both classics.  See  http://cushcraft.com/Wireless_Product_Details.asp?style_id=6&group_id=1717   for specs and links to manuals.  Price will be good, especially compared to new (see ads in QST) because traps may need to be serviced or replaced.  Please email and then let's talk.
73 de Paul, W1PR
Paul R Ryack - W1PR, Santa Barbara, CA
               JE1LRT, Tokyo, Japan
               trustee, NN6DX
        email: W1PR@arrl.net