“It’s just around the Bend…”

Famous words for any packer or runner.

Well in this case I am talking about the 2014 DRTE 100 (Dirt Road Trail Endurance) Ultra Race.  This is the 4th annual Race. This year it is a 100 mile and 100k Race.


The event is coming up again at the end of May.  This time it is a weekend only event- starting at 0500 on Saturday, May 31st and ending at 1700 on Sunday, June 1st. They will also be a 10k, 25k and 50k on Saturday.  We are not required to be there on Friday, but you can come out and set up or camp out if you wish. The course is different this year as it is using much more off road trails and aid stations.  Most of the aid stations can be driven up to except Camuesa Connector, Doulton Tunnel, and El Manatial.

This is an event that is made for us HAM operators to shine.  There is little to no cell phone access and because of that, the race relies on us so much that they advertise our importance on the front page of their web site.  Below is the second paragraph under “ABOUT”, which I have highlighted and pasted:

The DRTE 100 starts and finishes at Upper Oso Campgrounds located in the Lower Santa Ynez Recreation Area. Hosted on a well-marked and simple to navigate out and back route comprised of dirt roads, trails and intermittent sections of paved road, the route is comprised of 9 sections that vary between 3.81 and 8.26 miles in length. The each of the 9 sections is staged with a well provisioned and staffed aid stations replete with HAM communications to support entrants, pacers and staff. For crew and guests there is an easy to use route comprised of 3 paved forest roads that can be utilized to see and cheer your runner at as many 10 locations. The DRTE 100 is hosted entirely within the Santa Barbara Ranger District, Los Padres National Forest.

No other event depends on us as much as this one does.  Under General Amenities we are the first amenity listed:

(I underlined it):


   • HAM Operators
• Crew of 4 – 6
   • Electrical generator (limited locations)
   • Tables
   • Chairs
   • Shade Canopies
   • Ice and ice coolers
   • Expanded First Aid Kit
   • Expanded Foot Care Kit
   • Sleeping cots and blankets
   • Porta Pottie (limited locations)

This event has always been fun for those operators who have participated.  This year I would like to be able to say we can cover all aid stations without overtaxing any one individual. We will be using the Rover and its repeater at the top of East Camino Cielo as we did last year.  That had good reach from the far end of the course to the start.

I need anyone who has time available Saturday and/or Sunday so we can start to set up schedules. Please get back to me if you can participate for any or all of this fun event. You can name your hours. Let me know if you have a preference in locations as well.  Here is a list of the aid stations:



Rick Whitaker

Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club.



Cell: (805) 451-3436  please leave a message-  I have no reception at work.