Update! Our Ham
Radio Extravaganza is happening this
weekend! You are coming, right? I thought
I better email you one more time because I will
not have another chance until next week. We
have been crazy busy getting ready for this
We have been hoarding used gear
for a while and now the shelves are completely
full. You can not fit one more radio on the
shelves. We have never had this many used radios
here. The MFJ Crew Just got on the road this
morning and will be here later today. We are
going to finish stocking our shelves when they
get here. They are bringing lots of amplifiers
and big items this year. That is where the big
savings really comes in. Since they are bringing
it on their truck there is no freight involved.
We have already taken reservations for 14 new
Ameritron big amplifiers. We were looking
earlier this week, just in the freight savings
that comes to $150 off many of the models that
would normally ship in three boxes. On top of
that we are discounting way below any internet
price. Remember we can not post prices on the
net but if you are thinking about a new amp or
big big box item, this is your weekend to save
big. They are bringing a full truck. Big amps,
big antennas, Hy Towers, and other items where
the freight would normally run the price way up.
If for some reason the item is not in stock when
you get here we will make sure it ships from the
factory for free! This alone will make it worth
the drive to Paris Texas from just about
anywhere. We have spent many late nights this
week cleaning out old stock in the store and re
stocking the shelves. So where did all the old
stock go? We put it in the pallets that will be
outside. We will have six or seven big huge
pallets full of mostly new merchandise,
overstock, open box, demo and store return
items. Items that I have seen so far include,
Police scanners, Iphone and iPad stuff, Cables,
Connectors, computer parts, new batteries, Kits,
antennas, radios, soldering irons, parts, and
thousands, really thousands of items. These
pallets will be liquidated at $20 for a bag
full! If it doesnt fit in a bag, the item is
$20! It will be very easy to get a hundred
dollars or more worth of items in a bag. Our
store will be closed Friday while we are making
the final preparations for this extravaganza.
Well over two thousand radios will be here
for sale at the guaranteed best deal in the
entire country. We have factory authorized, one
time only discounts on many new Alincos, Icoms,
Kenwood and Yaesu. You will be able to buy a
brand new 100 watt HF Rig for $489. The hottest
selling well known 30 amp power supply will be
at the cheapest price on the planet. New two
meter rigs for $129. Fusion, DStar and other
Digital radios will be cheap too. A very well
known dual band analog and digital handheld will
be $339. Thinking big? How about a Icom 7851,
Yaesu FT-DX5000 or a Kenwood TS-990 at blow out
prices. I will tell you this , we will
have a higher end HF and six meter radio with
built in tuner, 100 watts and DSP for $1399.
Over 50 of this model in stock now. At these
prices, you must pick up in store, we can not
ship them free. Trade ins will be accepted on
site. Bring your trade, look for the trade in
tables at the front of the building, We will
have people there to put a cash value on your
trade and hand you a voucher that is good for
cash on any item in the store or under the
tent! Oh yeah, the tent. We will have a 40
foot tent set up on the west side of the
building. This will help with the congestion
inside. We will have our complete dayton style
hamfest display outside. Again over two thousand
radios will be available for the lowest price on
the planet. Even today, 400 radios are landing
at DFW and will be delivered to our store later
today. These radios will be sold under $20 each!
Dual band HT's with high power under
$20! Wouxun, Baofeng, LDG, RT Systems, MFJ,
Cuschcraft, Ameritron, Comet, Diawa,
Uniden, Texas BugCatcher, Jetstream,
RadioWavz, Buck Master, Hy Gain, TYT, Tyterra,
Alinco, Icom , Yaesu and Kenwood and more
brands will be well represented here. We want
your business! Dealer sale are welcome! As a
matter of fact we know of at least two other ham
stores that will have people here as well. They
will be buying items to take back home! We have
made special arrangements with several vendors
to make this possible, You really can buy at
wholesale or less on many models this weekend.
The date, I know, the 17th does conflict
with some other events around the country but it
is hard to find a date that will work with
everyone. Just in! At the local Valley of the
Caddo Museum and Cultural Center, located at
1115 Bonham St, there will be an Antique Radio
Exhibit. You have to go by and see this! This
may even be on the Trolley ride. we are going to
try and make it happen. Trolley ride? Yes, We
have reserved the Trolley De Paris to take you
and your family to some real happening spots
downtown. It's free for you and runs every
thirty minutes or so. Be sure and check it out.
We want you to feel welcome at at home in our
town. This can also give you something else to
do while you are here. Dont worry, the door
prize drawing start at 2:00 PM so you will have
time to get back. Door prize drawings? yes,
When you get here, we ask that you sign in. We
want to know who you are, where you came from
and if you stayed in Paris overnight. This
information helps us plan for future events and
helps with the funding for the event. Once
registered, you get a chance ticket for one of
the many prizes we are giving away.
The Grand
Prize again this year is a Brand New Kenwood

In addition
to that we are also giving away
A Kenwood TS-590SG!
(normal Retail Price $1609 or usually much less
at MTC if you call us)

We are also Giving away
a Yaesu FT1DR and a FTM-400DR!
And A brand New Icom
That's over $10,000 in
door prizes! There will be more
prizes too! Lots more! No other event in
Texas does anything like this
This event will be like no other that we
have ever done.
You must be present to
win, You must have a valid Amateur Radio
Call-sign to win any of the above radios or any
transmitting equipment
Food? yes,
We have made special arrangements with Papa
Murphy's Pizza next door. They will be bringing
out some portable ovens and Free pizza and
drinks will be served all day, while supplies
last. There are many area restaurants too.
Many are downtown and will be open for lunch.
Catch the free trolley and go downtown for
lunch. McKees on the loop just down from the
store will also have a breakfast special. I
think on Saturday it is Chicken Fried Steak and
eggs with hash browns and toast for $6.49 They
are open 24 hours so if you are coming in
Saturday morning stop in. They are on the corner
of collegiate and Loop 286.
I checked
earlier this week and some hotels still had a
few rooms. You might be able to find something
if you start calling around now. People are
coming from hundreds and thousands of miles
away. There are even people coming from South
America to take advantage of some of these
deals. They seem to be most interested in the
the BStock and factory repacks from Kenwood,
Icom and Heil. Many will be flying in to our
"international" airport as they did last
Tailgating? Yes! We are completely
full though. We recently purchased the property
behind us. We are going to have folks that want
to swap or sell their used equipment in the
back. All spots were Free but have already been
What about the music? Yes..you
are in for a real treat. We have a large stage
that will be set up right next to the road at
the front of the store. Live music will be
happening all day starting at 9:00AM. You have
to get here to see the opening group. Do not
miss this. Bring a chair, very important. If you
are planning on being here the entire time,
bring a chair, sit back and have some fun. Bring
your dancing shoes too. There will be way
more happening than I have mentioned. This email
is already too long. I just wanted to make sure
you know about this event. Oh yeah, parking
will be across the street. There is also an
empty lot about a block down to the north of our
store. Get here early. Parking might be a
problem. There are some banks on the corner of
Collegiate and Lamar that close at noon so there
may be some parking there.
Richard, Why
are you doing all of this? My wife has asked
this, the employees ask this, the competition,
customers and the manufacturers all ask this
very same question. Many scratch their heads and
just dont get it. I really dont have a
good answer other than, It's fun. The expense
involved can never be recouped but its not about
the money, not really. I love ham radio. It is
the world greatest hobby. I want to show the
hobby off to people that may not otherwise know
of it. I love our customers too. You have made
us one of the top dealers in the nation now. We
want to give some of it back and this is a great
way to do it. We will make it as fun as possible
for you to show our appreciation. Also it will
give you a chance to come here see the store and
our little home town. Many Hams and potential
hams have still never heard of us, we want them
and you to know of us and know us. We are just
regular people like many of you. We work hard
every day. We have families, kids in school and
do have very busy lives just like many of you.
We are just regular small town folks. We have
old fashioned values and are not a big corporate
store. When you buy from us you are supporting a
true local, mom and pop run business. We do
appreciate your support and this weekend we are
going to give a lot of it back. Thank you, so
very much for your support in making this dream
come true. We never thought when starting this
that we would be a top tiered, national radio
dealer in six years. I just wanted to sell a
little surplus and make ends meet until I found
a job. Someone told me one time that if you
want to make God Laugh, just tell him your
plans. Boy, that can be right. When I lost my
job six years ago, I was scared and broke. I
told him what I wanted to do and he has taken
that and turned it into something really
big. God is good. He gets the credit here. I
have learned that you dont have to be perfect.
As a matter of fact I fall short daily and can
never measure up. I am undeserving of any of our
success and why he has chosen us, I will never
know. I didnt mean to go here but as a write
this I guess it is supposed to be. I am scared
to go back and delete it now. This email goes
out to over ten thousand people, this ending may
even offend some and cause them to not want to
come to our event or even do business with us. I
really hate that but I have to give credit where
it is due. I will close with this. If you
are struggling with anything, anything at all,
Turn it over to Him. For me, my faith was weak
and I didnt even really believe that he would do
anything. What at first seemed to be a flimsy
reed actually turned out to be the mighty hand
of God. It can happen. There is no other
explanation for what has happened and what
continues to happen. Personally, Christy and I
have been going through a lot right now and He
still keeps us going. Things may go the
other way next week and if so, we will deal with
that then. Thank you very much. We hope to
see you this weekend. If you cant make it, we do
understand. You will be missed. 73 for now
(thats a ham radio term that means "best
regards" usually given at the end of a
transmission for those that are not radio
Richard Lenoir Main Trading
PS: Email responses from me will
be slow and terrible for the next few days. I am
sorry but I will try and get to you next week.
Call the store for fastest
Make sure that you are
signed up on our email list for the latest info!
Click Here
146.760 PL
147.040 PL
444.475 PL
We cant wait to see you
here in Paris on October 17th! The Red Carpet
will be rolled out for you! 73 and Bonjour,
We want your Business!
Please help
us get the word out about this huge Ham Radio
Event on October 17th. Like it, Share it, post
it and forward this email to everyone that you
can think