Tis the Season, alright.
Everywhere you go, everyone says to not miss the SBARC XMAS Pizza Party at Rusty's Pizza, 270 Storke Road in Goleta on Saturday, December 18 from 1 pm to 4 pm. Rusty's is just west of K-mart. Talk-in frequency is 146.790 MHz minus 600 KHz with PL of 131.8 Hz.
This is a BYO party (buy your own). You can choose from Rusty's famous Pizzas, Sandwiches and fantastic Salads (which you build yourself). Hey, see who can build the tallest one. Of course, you can choose from ice cold soda to ice cold draft beer.
Gifts? If you wish to give someone something special just from you, that would be very nice. You could also participate in our "traditional" Crazy Gift Game where you wrap up something of dubious value and not put anyone's name on it, not even your own. Then when you get to the party, add your package to the pile. At the appropriate moment, everyone dig in -- everyone who brought a gift, that is. No cheating, please! There have been some pretty outrageous gag gifts given over the years. Perhaps you have something in mind already. Tin can walkie-talkies have already been done but nothing is stopping you from making a better one.
This is always a wonderful opportunity to see folks we haven't seen in a long time. "Hey, I don't remember your having gray hair! And, where did you get that prize-winning belly?"
Bring a vehicle that can carry home a bunch of FREE stuff (junque) from our guy, Bill Gross, W6FF, who has accumulated way too much of it for the club. Who knows, maybe you can get some it working again!
Come early, stay late. We only do this once a year. Let's make it a good one.
Ho, Ho, Ho and 73,
Darryl, KF6DI
Exec. V.P.

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