From Clinton, WA (grid CN87tw), I participated in the Fall 2023 Six Meter SPRINT on Saturday, 26 August 2023.
No enhanced propagation was noted, but I worked 13 stations in 4 grids: CN87, CN88, CN97, & CN98. Most contacts were on USB, but I made 1 FM contact and 1 person called me on CW. KA7RRA/Rover provided contacts from THE 4 local grids.
Of note, I worked ICARC member, KA6RWL, Craig, for my only Island County contact.
The 144 MHz (2 meter) Fall SPRINT will be held on Monday, 18 September (7pm - 11pm)
The 222 MHz (135 cm) Fall SPRINT will be held on Tuesday, 26 September (7pm - 11pm)
The 432 MHz (70 cm) Fall SPRINT will be held on Wednesday, 04 October (7pm - 11pm)
The Microwave: 902 MHz & up SPRINT will be held on Saturday, 07 October (8am - 2pm)
The SPRINTS are a great way to see what your VHF/UHF equipment can achieve without using a Repeater.
Pete, N6ZE/7 today