----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Michael P. ('Jug') Jogoleff - WA6MBZ <wa6mbz@yahoo.com>
To: "sbarc-list-request@lists.netlojix.com" <sbarc-list-request@lists.netlojix.com>; "k6mqa@arrl.org" <k6mqa@arrl.org>; Paul Horvitz WA6IAF <wa6iaf@sti.net>; Kathi D. Backus <kf6wb@cox.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2014 2:21 AM
Subject: Picture of receptacle with two power ports and two usb ports.
Hi All,OK, KF6WB and I went to another new restaurant tonightand we again saw AC receptacles with usb ports. This timeI took a picture of one of them with my cell phone..This port obviously sports two AC recptacles and two usbports, whereas the one from Ace Hardware only had oneAC port..... 73 de 'Jug', WA6MBZ, DM04DK, wa6mbz@yahoo.com.