Hello Balloon Friends,


Contest: This “contest” is for anyone and everyone, regardless of affiliation...


Objective: By noon Friday (7/15/11), provide a working model of a “robot” (that is preferably quite animated, but it’s not an absolute requirement) that will either hang above the balloon payload on the 15’ line to the parachute above, or preferably will “walk” up and down the line during the flight. 


Specifications: Wide open, but weight, agility and appearance are factors.  Nothing over 8 oz will be considered and 4 oz or less is preferred.  Size doesn’t matter as long as the Flip Ultra HD camcorder on top of the box can see it.


Other Considerations: The robot will be subject to -40 degree temperature, near vacuum to normal atmospheric pressure changes, possible loss and possible submersion in the ocean.  In other words, it may not survive the trip.  We will not be held liable for it’s return. 


Prize: There is no prize other than a chance to get publicity for your robot and a possibility that I might buy you dinner after we recover the payload.


Contact Info: For questions and submissions, contact me at wb9kmo@sbarc.org .


Thank you and I hope we can have some fun with this,

Rod Fritz, WB9KMO
