Hi guys,

I am passing along information about VCF SoCal, the first Vintage Computer Festival in Southern California. 

I attended VCF Southwest in Dallas and VCF West in the Bay Area last year and loved these events. It’s like a ham fest but for vintage computers. And there is a lot of crossover with vintage computers and vintage radios. Folks are using Commodore 64s and Apple Its to track the ISS and connect to Packet Radio systems and RTTY. It is  very cool. 

People also bring things that could be museum pieces like vintage Soviet workstations and all-analog, vacuum tube computers as well as a ton of other tech from the 60s-90s. 

**See the photos attached.**

I’m on the org committee and a sponsor for VCF SoCal. I’ll be exhibiting some stuff myself at the show down in OC this February. Check it out and consider coming down for it!



Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM
