Hello SBARC Members and Friends,


We’re making final preparations for Field Day, which takes place tomorrow and Sunday at Camino Real Marketplace (the Costco/Best Buy mall, near the movie theater).


PUBLIC DISPLAY MEETING AT 5PM TODAY – If you will be making a presentation or helping with a display, please join us for a coordination meeting today at 5:00pm at Gina’s Restaurant in the Camino Real Marketplace (next to the theater).  We’ll have a brief meeting to coordinate our plans and then we’ll join the setup team to enjoy pizza or other Italian delights for dinner at around 5:30pm.


PRESENTATIONS AND DISPLAYS -  Even if we communicated about this earlier, please confirm what you can do and when you can do it.  New presenters and helpers are welcome.  You can contact me by email at rod@sbatv.org or by phone at 805-637-0985 to confirm times that work for you to make a presentation or help at the SBARC booth.  I’m planning to send presenters and participants a schedule of events later today, after I compile the latest info I’ve received from you. 


At the Field Day event, you’ll find lots of groups with interesting displays, including…


o   Our live amateur radio Field Day operation

o   Live amateur radio satellite contacts

o   An amateur radio television (ATV) demonstration

o   Large screen display of amateur radio videos and websites

o   A mechanical teletype demonstration

o   Interactive discussion about all aspects of amateur radio

o   And some other new things you may not be aware of (come and see)


o   Preparations for a balloon launch with amateur radio on board

o   How to get involved with astronomy, the planetarium, and viewing the skies with the Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit (SBAU)


o   A remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV)

o   Homebrew robots

o   Arduino devices and programming

o   Android applications and programming

o   How people like you can turn your technical dreams into reality  

·       ANACAPA HIGH SCHOOL – Featuring their recent successful balloon launch with amateur radio on board


o   Several local agencies, their equipment and what they do

o   How you can prepare to help yourself and others


We hope that all of you can either participate or visit at some time during the weekend.

·       SET-UP - If you can help, please contact Tom Saunders.  Set up is planned to begin around…

o   1pm to 5pm Friday (today)    

·       OPERATION - We’ll operate our Field Day stations continuously for 24 hours from…

o   11am Saturday to 11am Sunday (schedule your operation time with Tom at tsaund@cox.net )

·       DISPLAYS – Check out the emergency preparedness and technology presentations and displays…

o   Saturday from 9am to 3pm

o   Sunday from 9am to 2pm


Thank you for your interest and support,

Rod Fritz, WB9KMO

SBARC OUTREACH Committee Chair

