Greetings SBARC Members and Friends,


Saturday, May 7 is a special day for SBARC.  We will set up an all-day (10am to 4pm) exhibit at the Natural History Museum.  There is an excellent turnout because it’s part of an Astronomy Day celebration.


Please plan to attend, or better yet, plan to participate!


We’d love to have you help us present Amateur Radio and SBARC to the masses.  You can help one of us with our demos or you can set up your own. 


Here’s what we’re trying to do if we get enough help…

·       Rover - Show it off and let attendees operate amateur radio

·       Amateur Television – Demonstrate how it works and let attendees operate a foot-mobile ATV station

·       T-Hunting – Hide transmitters and let attendees find them

·       Robots – Show what’s inside a robot (“robot guts”) and let attendees operate radio-controlled robots

·       Balloons – Describe our launch that is planned for Mid-June and demonstrate the amateur radio equipment we’ll use (and how you can access it from your station)

·       Computers – Show off our website and demo how we use computers with ham radio; transmit attendee’s pictures with SSTV

·       Your Passion – Volunteer to demonstrate what makes amateur radio and/or astronomy special for you.


The sky’s the limit for this one!  (Actually, it’s unlimited isn’t it?)


To volunteer or to get more information, contact me, Rod Fritz at


We look forward to seeing you there,

Rod Fritz, WB9KMO

SBARC Outreach Committee Chair