Hello SBARC Balloon Trackers,


Yesterday’s launch was deferred to today.  Now it’s time for another local balloon launch…


One of Santa Barbara’s own, Mike Bales KI6VBK and friends are launching a balloon with Amateur Radio on board Sunday morning (today) at about 9:00am.


Surf to www.happycapsule.com for the latest pre-launch info.  At last report, they were planning to launch from somewhere near Oxnard.  As things can shift weather-wise, there could be a last-minute launch change, so check the website if there’s any question.


The easiest way to track the flight is to monitor KD0PFN* on www.aprs.fi.


We wish Mike and the HappyCapsule group great success in their launch, flight, tracking and recovery.


Up, up and away!  (I really, really mean it this time.)


See you all at the Hamfest…

Rod Fritz, WB9KMO
