I thought I would pass along a link to a documentary film project that I am working on featuring amateur radio operators in Cuba.  A number of years ago, Joel CO2YQ and I met on JT-65 on 40m. When I visited Havana later that year, Joel and I met in person. Since then, I have been fascinated by the ingenuity of people on the island in the face of adversity. I published an article on amateur radio in Cuba in QST magazine in 2015: https://levi.maaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/QSL-from-Cuba-QST-201510.pdf

Today, as all of us face shortages and the need to improvise and endure, MAKING IT IN CUBA seems more relevant than ever.

Vimeo link: https://vimeo.com/419182929
Password: cuba (all lower case)

This 3-minute “sizzle reel” is exclusive look at the results of our very fruitful film scout to the island in January. We will be using this sizzle to pitch the project to potential financiers and distributors. That said, this link is for your eyes only. Thank you in advance for not posting it on social media.

Hope you enjoy and looking forward to taking you back to Havana for a deeper dive into Cuba’s Maker and amateur radio cultures. You can read more about the project at: https://www.makingitincuba.com/


Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM

+1 805.604.5384 voice/text