Hi Folks -

The below information regarding a Slow Speed Code Practice Net on 40 meters
that I sent you about 2 weeks ago was delayed over a week, or so it seemed to
me!  I used the SBARC-List server and that has happened to me before.  I am
re-sending it to you in case that you failed to receive it.  The information
on this Slow-Code net was originally sent out by the ARRL and if you are
interested in some good code practice and/or want to improve your code speed
this will be a great way to do it!


Slow Speed Code Practice Net on 40 meters: The Metro Amateur Radio Club's
Slow Speed Code Practice Net meets on the second, third, and fourth Wednesday
of each month at 7 PM Central (currently 0100 UTC) on 7.138 MHz (plus or
minus QRM). Listen for "CQ MAC" and send your call sign at your speed. The
net will QRS to match the speed of the slowest op. FISTS members are free to
exchange numbers with other participants. Net control is Philip, K9PL.

For more information, send e-mail to mac@qsl.net or visit the MAC Web site,
http://www.qsl.net/mac .

73 de Denny AD6EZ<><

73 es God Bless de Denny AD6EZ <><
Goleta, CA