
The winter storm that blew into the South Coast during the late evening of January 4th likely precipitated the catastrophic failure of Tower #1 at SBARC’s Talanian Communications Facility that evening. Fortunately, SBARC members were on hand today to clear the debris, dismantle the fallen tower and restore many of the services that had been knocked out by the collapse.

The crew was able return the UCSB remote receiver for the 146.79 repeater to service, restoring HT coverage to Goleta. However, the link to Santa Ynez Peak will need additional work to restore a reliable connection to the 145.18 repeater. The microwave data link to the Red Cross Club Station remains offline, however, a “Dishy” on loan from K6LCM is on the roof of the TCF Building 501 providing connectivity to the site courtesy of SpaceX’s Starlink constellation.