Born in America Sigurd Wathne, W6LGK, was a true American Son of Norway. As a young man Sig was caught in a twist of fate behind Nazi lines during WWII after his parents moved back to Norway. After the war Sig made his way back to America which was not easy in trying to convince authorities of his US citizenship. The chronicles of his life, written by Byron Laursen, are spelled out in a exciting autobiography called SIG, published in 2014 by the Boehm Biography Group (Santa Barbara).

Bill Talanian

On 9/13/2020 10:25 PM, DARRYL WIDMAN wrote:

---------- Original Message ----------
Date: September 13, 2020 at 10:55 PM
Subject: Dear Sweet Sig Wathne, W6LGK, passed Monday evening. We will celebrate his life after Covid19 @ the Elks Lodge

Well, folks, we lost another good one. This time, we lost Sig Wathne, W6LGK. I'm sure you remember Sig with his significant limp and Norwegion accent. Our young friend was only 93 and next month would have been 94. He had himself a pretty young thing in Barbara Gaughen-Muller who thought Sig was the cat's meow. They made a very cute couple. Barbara met Sig at a gathering at the Elks Lodge in Goleta some years ago. I think I might have mentioned that before.

Sig passed on this past Monday. When I heard of his passing from Barbara, I wrote a note to her and just heard back from her. 

Good people. I surely will miss Sig.

Darryl, KF6DI

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Barbara Muller <>
Date: September 10, 2020 at 9:00 PM
Subject: Re: Dear Sweet Sig Wathne passed Monday evening..We will celebrate his life after Covid19 @ the Elks Club

Darryl your email is so touching it made me cry. 

Sig was a very special man and I loved him so much!

He loved you too. Loved white Zin and when we drank we thought of you. 
He was 93 and Oct 4 he would have been 94.
As you know we were "engaged for life" and he will always be in my heart. 
I love W6LGK, SK..please tell his radio buddies..

He was a proud Amateur Radio activist! Proud to help in parades and more.
What a blessing to have been in his life! 
I will keep you and Diana in my life! 

Love and blessings and hi to Diana!

Santa Barbara
                                                    & Tri-counties
                                                    United Nations
                                                    Association - USA
Barbara Gaughen-Muller
 mobile: 805 680 9445

On Sep 10, 2020, at 5:45 PM, DARRYL WIDMAN <> wrote:

Oh Barbara,

I am so sorry to hear of Sig's passing. What a wonderful fellow Sig was. I shall miss him for a long time, as I know you will. 

Actually, Sig was not that much older than I and I feel that he and I communicated very well. You do know that hams are known as good communicators and Sig fit that bill very well. 

Sig certainly had an interesting life and had no trouble making friends wherever he went. When I first met him I felt a special kinship with him. Often it is hard to explain an attraction between people or why it exists. Nonetheless, there is no denying that one existed between the two of us. It might be credited to an interest in electronics - a rather esoteric field that attracts a certain group of folks who want to know how things work, even though we can not even see them. 

The life story of Sigurd Wathne is most fascinating and was explained very well in Sig's book, Sig. However, hearing Sig talk about his life and his life's experiences before the Club was most revealing and rather heart warming to hear about. What a guy!

Being invited to Sig's special occasion parties and getting to sit right next to him and you were lovely experiences for my wife Diana and me. Now that he is not here with us, I will miss all those occasions Sig had yet to enjoy with all his friends and family. What a lovely man Sig Wathne was!

Barbara, if there were some way to bring Sig back to us, I would be in the front of the line to welcome him back again! But alas, the Good Lord has His own timetable and sticks to it no matter how we wish to change it. 

Some people are really special. Sig was one of those people. He will have a special place in my heart for as long as I live. Ham radio operators notify each other of the passing of one of their own by attaching a special notation after their call leters. That notation is SK, which stands for Silent Key. So, from now on, Sig will be known as W6LGK, SK. 

Barbara, it was sweet of you to let us know of Sig's passing. Diana just popped in here and mentioned that she thinks of you often.

We know that the Lord gives us the strength to get over our sadness and would never throw something at us that we could not handle.

Be well and please keep in touch,

Diana, KA6YTL, and Darryl, KF6DI, Widman

On September 10, 2020 at 7:32 PM Barbara Muller <> wrote: 

When my friend's wife died, I wrote this poem and now my best friend, Sig, and soulmate has passed:  


Life is about Celebrations and Good-bye

We celebrate the birth of our children,

Marriages, First communions, Bar Mitzvahs too;

Time to sing and dance.

It’s our chance to invite those we love

To cherish these very special times!

And then in only a moment

We invite them again, this time to say good-bye

One last chance to 

Celebrate the gift of a life no longer here.

It’s a time for joy and sorrow too

Memories so vivid with our love so true

Our family and friends once again

Remind us they care and are one with you!


Barbara Gaughen-Muller

                                                          Barbara &
                                                          United Nations
                                                          Association -
Barbara Gaughen-Muller
 mobile: 805 680 9445