To: SBARC ListServer
From: Bill Talanian, w1uuq
Subject: Diablo Peak new systems
The two amateur radio repeater systems at Diablo Peak on Santa Cruz
Island were recently upgraded. The K6TZ 223.92 repeater is a brand
new commercial Tait Repeater (New Zealand) donated by Andy Seybold,
W6AMS. The two-meter repeater is a commercial grade Motorola Quantar
owned by SBARC and operates on 146.655 MHz. The two-meter frequency
coordination is held by W6XC of the Seaside Radio Association which
is an arm of the GRONK Radio Network. A new RLC Club Repeater
controller was recently added to enable a cross connect and control
between the two repeater systems. In addition all DC power systems
from the site 24 volt solar grid and battery distribution were
upgraded with 12 volt Inverters and redundant isolation.
Both systems enjoy wide primary coverage from Point Conception
to Malibu along the coastline, and many areas inland. The 220MHz
system has secondary coverage as far south as San Diego including
inland areas of Los Angeles and Orange County. The two-meter
repeater on 146.655 is co-channeled with a Los Angeles area
repeater. Per agreement, two-meter repeater operations on 146.655
should not communicate with user stations East of Malibu.
Both repeaters are normally cross-connected. This can be
reconfigured as needed. The two-meter repeater also supports local
P25 digital communications. Contact Matt Lechliter, W6XC, for P25
operational guidance.
Information is also available on Repeaterbook:
Repeater access information is as follows:
223.92 (-) PL 131.8Hz
146.655 (-) PL 131.8Hz / NAC $293 (P25 digital)