

1. The Santa Barbara ATV Repeater can now be viewed on WWW.BATC.TV .  Click the “ATV Repeaters” button and select & view WB9KMO-ATN (second from the bottom).  The ATV Movie of the Week is on Tuesday at 8:00pm Pacific Time and the SBARC ATV Net is on Tuesday at 8:30pm.


2.  The ATV “Movies” will also be uploaded to the WWW.BATC.TV “Film Archive” area.  Click on the Film Archive button and select the video clip you want.  I just added “HangGlider” and “Anacapa Island.”  I hope you enjoy them. 


3.  The WWW.BATC.TV WB9KMO “Members Streams” (second from the bottom) will typically carry an alternative “ham shack” view of the Tuesday night ATV Net.


Next Tuesday: “Portable HF Operation” from our February SBARC Meeting.  Watch it live on the ATV Repeater (1277.25 MHz) or on the web (See item 1 above).


“We look forward to seeing you on Amateur Radio”