Hello SBARC Members and Friends,
A few months ago, a few SBARC members attended the CERT Training (see attachments) and we found it very well-done and worthwhile.  Basically, it prepares you to assist your family and neighbors during the first 72 hours of a major disaster when local services may not be readily available. 
Although, the courses listed here are held in the UCSB area, you will be welcome if you’re an outsider as many of us were.   If you’re interested, I suggest contacting Jim Caesar by email (see the “From” line below) and do yourself, your family and your community a big favor by completing the course.
Rod Fritz, WB9KMO
From: James Caesar [mailto:James.Caesar@ehs.ucsb.edu]
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 8:59 AM
To: James Caesar
Subject: Upcoming CERT Training

Please find attached flyers for the upcoming UCSB CERT classes. 


We are offering two classes:


Tuesdays-Starting April 3 at 9 am-

Thursdays  -  Starting April 5 at 6pm


Please pass along to friends and family!


SB City TV CERT video (jump to CERT):








Jim Caesar

Emergency Preparedness Manager

UCSB Environmental Health & Safety

565 Mesa Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5132

Mail Code: 5132

Office/Cell: (805) 450-1437

FAX: (805) 893-8659




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