This story about SBARC and Ventura radio amateurs’ response to the Thomas Fire was is linked to from the front page or today.

Thomas Fire Response Also Demonstrates Amateur Radio’s Social Media Value


Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club (SBARC) members kept a close watch on the Thomas Fire after it broke out in early December. Using a variety of the club’s analog and digital Amateur Radio assets, radio operators were able to observe fire-fighting efforts first hand and pass along immediate information, often before it was reported by official sources or by local news media. SBARC operates five communication sites in Santa Barbara County, including sites on Diablo Peak on the mostly uninhabited Santa Cruz Island, and on Santa Ynez Peak. (read more …)


Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM
Director at Large | Co-Chair, Telecommunications Services Committee
Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club, Inc.