Hotspot Users:

I posed some guidance on hotspot frequency usage on our SBARC DMR page:

This is guidance from SCRRBA, the 70cm band frequency coordinators in SoCal, and we should play nice on the band so that DMR users are known as good citizen hams.  I know from maintaining the La Vigia K6TZ DMR repeater that digital can cause heck on the bands when configured improperly.  With summer inversion ducting just around the corner, now is a good time to address this important issue.

SCRRBA suggests that folks with digital hotspots waste no time in relocating to one of the digital sub-band channels specifically set aside for this use: 431.0125 MHz, 431.025 MHz or 431.0375 MHz.

If you have neighbors close by who use DMR or are up on a promontory, you might consider using higher frequencies between 431.0375 and 431.600 MHz in 0.0125 MHz (12.5 KHz) increments.  

Remember, it isn’t the hotspot with its puny output that is the issue but the 5W+ HT or mobile that you are talking on that WILL cause interference if use on the wrong frequencies.  Analog and weak signal users will become frustrated with us digital folk who are not following the band plan.  

Since we are lucky enough to have a fairly large band segment dedicated to digital hotspot use, we should use it (or lose it)!


Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM
Director at Large |  Co-Chair, Telecommunications Services Committee
Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation