ATN-CA Members and Friends,


I hope you enjoy this newsletter.  The highlights are…


·         Winter Meeting – Saturday February 20 at Denny’s in Irwindale

·         President’s Report – Winter Meeting agenda and the year at ATN-CA

·         Membership Application Link – Your continued support is very important

·         Technical News – What’s happening at each repeater site

·         Introducing Tom Board – Your VP’s background

·         The Fisch Net – What Mark’s been up to

·         Happy Birthday ATN! – The first 25 years

·         ATV 101 – Beginners tech article from Bil Munsil

·         So Many ATVers – ATN-CA Summer Meeting and Convention

·         ATN Website – Links to all kinds of good ATV info


As you read the newsletter, be aware that you can…


·         Click on underlined phrases to link to more information

·         Click on Membership Application for info to join or renew your membership

·         Zoom in on pictures and maps to get more detail

·         Click on email addresses to send questions and comments to your ATN-CA reps

·         Send the newsletter to anyone who you think would like to read it

·         Submit an article for the next newsletter – 100-500 words with 1-2 pictures or so…


I look forward to seeing you on ham radio and at the Winter Meeting.  Hope you can be there.



Rod Fritz, WB9KMO

ATN-CA Trustee and Newsletter Editor