SBARC Members



Field Day 2011 is Saturday, June 25 to Sunday, June 26.  We still need operators and other helpers for this event.


The Santa Barbara Radio Club has been invited to the Camino Real Marketplace (Costco / Home Depot Mall) for this event.   We will be located about 50 yards south of Starbucks.



The schedule is:               


Friday, June 24                  1 PM to 5 PM                     Setup Station(s)

                                                5:30                                        Pizza Party at Ginos


Saturday, June 25            9 AM to 3 PM                     Public Information and Demonstrations

11 AM                                   Start of Field Day


Sunday, June 26               9 AM to 2 PM                     Public Information and Demonstrations

                                                11 AM                                   End of Field Day

                                                12:30 PM                             Club BBQ at Girsch Park


Note that Field Day runs continuously for a 24 hour period.



The Camino Real Marketplace is a great location to show ham radio in operation to the public.  The public location will not compromise our Field Day operation.  We will continue to operate in ‘contest mode’, getting as many points and making as many contacts as possible.  Camino Real Marketplace is planning on having an Emergency Preparedness / Technology Fair.  They want to invite the Red Cross and the City of Goleta for Emergency Preparation education. 


SBARC will make signs to attract the public and have brochures available.  We need club members, family, and friends to help with this event. 


The positions needed are :


Station Setup                                     Assemble Force 12 antenna and test station operation Friday afternoon.

Radio Operators                               Operators needed to work two hour shifts.  More than 1 operator per shift is recommended.

Contact Loggers                                Work with operators to log contacts.


Public Information                           Answer questions, hand out information, etc.  We need members to help with this.

Public Demonstrations                  Present ham radio topics to public.  Examples are Satellite Communication, Amateur Television, Disaster Communications, etc.  Demonstration schedule will be posted.

Station Takedown                           Disassemble antenna Sunday at 11:30 AM

BBQers                                                 Cook meat and serve food for 12:30 BBQ at Girsch Park (500 feet south of Marketplace)




You do not need contest experience in order to participate as an HF operator.  We can provide training in this area.


The Schedule for the Phone  + CW Station is currently :


Sat          11 AM to 1 PM                                  Tom Saunders + ?

                1 PM to 3 PM

                3 PM to 5 PM

                5 PM to 7 PM                                     Dave Milton / Jim Allen

                7 PM to 9 PM

                9 PM to 11 PM


Night Crew         11 PM to 5 AM                   Jim Feldman / Chuck Gould


Sun        5 AM to 7 AM

                7 AM to 9 AM                                    Dave Milton / Jim Allen

                9 AM to 11 AM


Please email or call me if you are available to participate in SBARC’s Field Day.



Tom Saunders


Mobile (805) 452 - 0840

Home   (805) 967 - 7351