The SBARC Education Committee would like to know club member’s interest in upgrade classes. These are for the General written test, Extra written test, and 5 WPM Code test.

If you already hold a General or Advanced license and are active on HF, you should consider upgrading to Extra. Upgrading to Extra gives you frequency privileges that let you work rare DX stations or give you more space to rag chew. The Extra test is easier than you think. Do not put this off ! The next revision of the Extra Class Test will be out next year and will be more difficult than the current test.

If you hold a Technician license, an upgrade to General opens up a new opportunity to make long distance contacts.

The tentative plan for this spring is either General written or Extra written. The classes will consist of about four Tuesday evening sessions from 7 to 9:30 PM.

Please respond to this email if you are interested. If you know someone that would like to upgrade, please pass this email to him/her. If you want more information about the classes you may call Tom Saunders at (805) 967-7351.

SBARC Education Committee

Dave Lamb, VP Education, WA6BRW

Tom Saunders, KF6OKT