Hi Rod,

I also get these Launch Alerts from Brian Webb.  I have been for many many years !  I will usually look for the contrails if I am at all able too.  I have been able to see quite a few of them from all the way out here in Rancho Cucamonga or my work location in Brea.  I did also see this last one on Thursday from my back yard here in Rancho.  Did you get it on video?  It was a rather short contrail from my QTH.  Curious as to what it looked like in Santa Barbara.


Tom - WB6HYH

On 1/20/2011 8:22 AM, rod@sbatv.org wrote:
I hope you all can enjoy this huge rocket launch, scheduled today for
1:08pm.  I hope to capture some video from the ground in Santa Barbara.  If
I do, I'll probably put it on ATV next Tuesday night at 8:30pm, streamed at
www.batc.tv, ATV Repeaters, WB9KMO-ATN.  - Rod, WB9KMO

-----Original Message-----
From: Launch Alert [mailto:launch-alert@mailman.qth.net] 
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 5:05 AM
To: Launch Alert
Subject: [Launch Alert] Launch on Schedule

                             LAUNCH ALERT
                             Brian Webb
                      Ventura County, California
                              2011 January 20 (Thursday) 05:01 PST

                         LAUNCH ON SCHEDULE

Today's first-ever launch of a Delta IV Heavy booster from Vandenberg
Air Force Base appears to be on schedule. The Delta is slated to
lift-off from Space Launch Complex 6 (SLC-6) at south Vandenberg at
1:08 p.m.

Following liftoff, the rocket will rise vertically for several
seconds. It will then slowly pitch over and probably head southward
over the ocean.

Plans call for the rocket to deliver a classified payload into orbit
for the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office.

Late yesterday afternoon the United Launch Alliance, the launch
services provider, issued the following launch update:

" ... it was a quiet day of launch processing at SLC-6 today so we are
a "GO" for tomorrow. The weather forecast is still 90 percent
acceptable for launch.

... High pressure dominates California bringing fair weather and
warmer temperatures. Winds for MST roll will be out of the east 12-18
gusting to 25 kts. Winds at SLC-6 at T-0 will be out of the northwest
at 10-15 kts. Upper-level winds will max out at 60 kts at 40,000 ft
from the north. There are no predicted space weather events for T-0."



For additional information related to today's Delta IV Heavy launch,
go to the following locations:

   Delta IV Heavy




      The payload is classified, but here's a link to the government
      agency responsible for the payload:

   Launch Pad


   Launch Viewing


   Photographing Launches



                       LAUNCH ALERT WEB PAGE

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