Whittier Fire Update

  By Levi K6LCM | https://www.sbarc.org/2017/07/09/whittier-fire-update/ | 
Live camera view from UC San Diego's High Performance Wireless Research & Education Network (HPWREN) looking west from Santa Ynez Peak

Live camera view from UC San Diego’s High Performance Wireless Research & Education Network (HPWREN) looking west from Santa Ynez Peak

As a reminder, all amateurs are welcome to participate in ongoing discussion about the Whittier Fire on SBARC repeaters. Please keep transmissions short (less than 10-15 seconds) unless you have urgent traffic. Always yield to stations with urgent traffic and leave long pauses between transmissions for breaking stations.

Whittier Fire PDF incident plans distributed at the 1400 press conference on Sunday. Includes frequencies to be used: 070917_iap_day | 070917_iap_night

The County of Santa Barbara is posting official updates on the Whittier Fire on its website.

Look for the live streams at these You Tube channels (option 1 or option 2), from UC San Diego cameras atop Santa Ynez Peak as well as more still imagery. Additionally, this unofficial source has more images as well as weather data and more links to useful fire information.

Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club repeaters on Santa Ynez Peak have power at this time. The 145.180 MHz repeater on Santa Ynez Peak remains linked via a microwave path to 146.790 MHz on the Santa Barbara Mesa and is functioning as the club’s main channel for communications related to the fire.

The WB6OBB 147.000 repeater on Broadcast Peak is off the air along with most broadcast stations at that location.  It is unknown as of this update if those outages are due solely to the availability of power at that site or because of damage to the actual facilities there.

Many photos of the fire can be found on Twitter searching the hashtag #WhittierFire. I am suggesting that members of our community with photos to share via Twitter tag them with this hashtag for easy searching.

For live updates from radio amateurs observing the fire and monitoring emergency frequencies around the county, listen to a live audio stream of SBARC’s linked repeaters.

Air Command tactical frequencies with local air tanker traffic:
These frequencies are simplex so an external antenna will help with reception.
Air Tac 02: 169.150 MHz FM
Air Tac 05: 167.950 MHz FM

Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM
