Hello All,
I am happy to announce the addition of a new South Mountain 2Mtr
repeater to the PVARC linked repeater network.
Location: South Mountain
Output Frequency: 146.670 PL 127.3
Input Frequency: 146.070 PL 127.3
This 2Mtr repeater provides excellent coverage along a good portion of
Hwy 126. The system is also performing very well into Balcom Canyon and
along Hwy 118 from Saticoy to Moorpark. This system should provide a
good supplement to the linked 145.200 Sulphur Mountain repeater.
I want to thank Steve Leong KC6IJM for his support on this project.
I would appreciate any comments on the repeaters performance.
Thank you for your time.
Paul Strauss WD6EBY