While doing some winter cleaning (got to get those Christmas ornaments put away), I put together quite a few items for a general garage sale including a substantial collection of ham radio gear that needs a new home.  I will be hosting a Garage Sale with a Mini Ham Flea Market and area hams are invited to join in the fun.  Here are the details:

Garage Sale & Mini Ham Flea Market on the SB Mesa
Saturday, January 24, 2015, 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

50% from the proceeds of the sales from my Ham Radio Table 
will be donated to the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club Staion Fund.

SB area hams are welcome to set up a table to swap their own ham gear
and are encouraged to donate a portion of their sales to the Club.

Call me in advance to make table arrangements and for location information:
Levi, K6LCM: 805-604-5384

(Note: it will not be at my QRZ address)

Here are just a few items that will be on my Ham Radio Table:

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