We have an "un-scheduled" VE session on Feb 23 as the culmination of the General Class which is currently in-process.  It will be held at the "regular" location; County Health.
Please let me know if you can support this. 
Michael (NO6O) & Jay:  Please identify Feb 23 VE session on the SBARC web site and Web Server.

Tks es 73 de,

Mike K6QD 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Saunders [mailto:tsaund@cox.net]
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:54 PM
To: 'Darryl Widman'; David Larson; 'Ed Leska'; ICE; jimrallen@aol.com; 'K6QD'; 'Michael Jogoleff'; Walt Harasty; 'Ziebell, Michael J.'
Subject: Special VE Session of January 26

Mike and VE Team



I will be there for this session.  Please indicate the location and time.  If you want it at the Red Cross we should reserve a conference room.




Tom Saunders


Mobile (805) 452 - 0840

Home   (805) 967 - 7351

FAX       (805) 308 - 0347





We have a "special" VE session scheduled for Jan 26 for the students in the current Tech class.  I know of at least three people who want to take the General exam as well.

Please indicate if you can support this exam session or not.  Thanks.


Mike Wapner, K6QD