To: Recipients

While not stated here in these documents the Santa Barbara Channel Speed Reduction Program secures part of its tracking date from two SBARC Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiving stations. One AIS station is mounted on the Mesa next to the 19/79 repeater. The other is mounted on Santa Ynez Peak. To see ships in the SB Channel go to <>. There are two additional AIS receivers. One at UCSB and one operated by NOAA NMS on Santa Cruz Island. This is a worldwide system of tracking commercial shipping, passenger vessels, and small boats (Class B). SBARC systems are tagged as SBARC-SBA for the Mesa and SBARC-SYP for Santa Ynez Peak. I am proud to say we have maintained a 99% availability around the clock for many months at a time. Thanks go to John Franklin, K6LUA, for hosting this data which is forwarded to Greece where the data is processed and the main Server is located.