Here are photos to accompany my previous post.

Guy point 1 shows the wood blocks screwed together, with eyelet attached, and painted to match the eave because it shows from the street. This is actually for my Cubex quad, admittedly a much lighter load, not the HF antenna.

Guy point 2 shows a relatively small C-clamp used as an attachment point. I didn't bother to paint it because it only shows in the backyard and who cares.

Guy point 3 shows a "guy point of opportunity," at my breezeway roof. Again, not painted.

Guy point 4 shows another guy point of opportunity, a fourth one at my tree. The guy rope is the one with bumps where I tied the Dacron fragments together, attached to an eyelet just above the bump on the tree.

Mast tie point photo shows where I lashed the mast to another clamp with nylon rope.

This arrangement has stood the test of time. Any critiques are welcome!