This session was rescheduled to today due the freakish rain last Sunday.  We  could really use your help.  I hope you can join us…




AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT - If you want to do something a little different today, consider a trip up Gibraltar Road this afternoon to check out the ATV site and help with a few construction and cleanup projects.  We need your help and it might even be fun.


TRANSPORTATION - If you need a ride, call me ASAP at 637-0985.  If you’re driving on your own, contact me on the 146.19/79 repeater between 12:45pm and 1:00pm to coordinate access to the site. 


SHOWTIME - We’ll be hooking up a trailer at 1pm and then we’ll drive to the repeater site, arriving around 1:30pm.


OBJECTIVES – Build, learn and enjoy.  Depending on the size of the crew, we’ll try to accomplish these tasks…

·       Raise the 5.8 GHz receive antenna, peak it up and install the preamp

·       Install a 5.x GHZ WiFi Access Point pointing downtown

·       Install a 2.4 GHz WiFi Client Bridge pointing downtown

·       Install a Local Area Network Switch and Wireless Router

·       Get all of the computers talking to each other on the LAN/WLAN

·       Install an “on-the-air” Waveform Monitor so we can all check and adjust our ATV signals

·       Test and install our Tower Cameras

·       Load the Outdoor Rack onto the trailer and take it to Rod WB9KMO’s house

·       General Cleanup of the building and surrounding area


If you want to learn about these things or just want to pitch in and help, check in on 19/79 at 1pm.  We may work until 5pm or so, but you can leave anytime you want.  Even a little bit of your time will be a big help.  Your participation is greatly appreciated.


Rod Fritz, WB9KMO



“We look forward to seeing you on Amateur Radio real soon.”