Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow Amateur Radio operators,
The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club will be celebrating its 2011 Hamfest and Family Reunion this Sunday, August 14, at the Santa Barbara Elks Lodge which is located at 150 North Kellogg Avenue in the city of Goleta. We have had many very successful Hamfests at this location and this year's event will prove to be another one!
We have many fun events planned for you including the most scrumptious Bar-Be-Cue you have ever tasted! Bring the whole family for a fun day in the sun and have it made in the shade of the Eucalyptus trees in the Elks Picnic Grove.
It all starts at 8:00 AM. Come early. Stay late. But for sure, don't leave before the raffle drawing. There will be prizes for lucky hams and lucky ladies. There will be games and contests. There will be an on-foot Transmitter Hunt on the Elks Lodge grounds and an Advanced mobile/on-foot Transmitter Hunt with a very nice prize to the winner. Bring your sniffing gear. How is your left-foot code sending ability these days? Compete for a prize. Of course, there will be the traditional Transformer Toss with the usual shoulder pain to remind you of what a good time you had!
The Flea Market in the parking lot of the Elks Lodge will be something not to miss this year. You could spend all day there if you wanted.
Did I mention the most scrumptious Bar-Be-Cue you have ever tasted? Believe me, you will not leave hungry!
If you have not received a flyer in the mail telling you all about our Hamfest, please click on the link below and do plan on attending. If you are able, please bring along a dessert to put on our Dessert Table so everyone can have dessert after their scrumptious BBQ lunch. (We could use the assistance of a lovely lady at that table -- is there a lovely lady in your house?) We could also use some food servers. You would get thanked by each person receiving something delicious served by you! Please call me or send an e-mail wherever you can help. Call 805-969-2326 or write to
We have many more raffle prizes to give to the lucky winners than those listed on our flyer. Your odds of winning are growing larger every day. Be sure to get your share of tickets. And, if you have not as yet purchased your Grand Prize tickets so that you have a chance to win the big Yaesu FT-950 transceiver, we will have them available for you to purchase at the Hamfest. Bring bucks!
Please remember to park on the north/mountain side of the Elks Lodge building. Please do not park in the vendors' area. The south side is reserved for Elks members only. If the north side lot is filled when you arrive, we have permission to park directly across the street behind the Best Western South Coast Inn.
Thank you very much and we'll see you Sunday morning.
Darryl Widman, KF6DI
SBARC Exec. Vice Pres.
Hamfest Co-Chair

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