Hello SBARC Members and Friends,
You are invited to participate in Construction Night…
· Bring in a project to work on…
o It’s OK to just drop in with something to work on
o If you let us know in advance, we’ll be better prepared to help
· Drop in to see what we’re doing and to learn new things like…
o Test equipment at the Club Station and how to use it
o How equipment works and how to work on it
· Join us to work on the projects and offer up your Elmering skills
These are the projects we’ll work on tonight…
· Whatever project you bring in…
· Modify 2.4 GHz ATV Transmitters
o Solder SMA connectors to allow an external antenna
o Measure microwave output frequencies and power
o Solder surface mount components to increase power output
o Plan a PIC mod to change the frequency
· Modify 2.4 GHz ATV Receivers
o Solder SMA connectors to allow an external antenna
o Measure local oscillator frequencies to determine receive frequencies
o Plan a PIC mod to change the frequency
We hope to see you at the Club Station tonight at 7:30pm.
Don’t forget to get on the air for the Technical Elmering Net at 8:00pm.
Rod Fritz, WB9KMO