From: Bill Talanian

Yesterday the tech team set out to improve the microwave link from Santa Ynez Peak to the Red Cross. I performed a simple task by staging at the Vic Trace Reservoir equipment shelter to disconnect the former link during the test phase. While there for two hours I had a lot of time to reflect on the the location and the thousands of hours which contributed to its success as a flagship center for amateur radio communications. To see all this vanish by the end of July is personally devastating. I became more determined and resolute that this should not happen to SBARC. Our group has endured as a club in the Southcoast for more than 100 years without a blemish on our record.

With only four months left on our lease arrangement at the Vic Trace Reservoir we have one last chance for the relocation of the equipment shelter within the City of Santa Barbara. On paper Elings Park appears to be the best location. However, a complete site survey has yet to be performed pending discussions with the Elings Park Foundation and their Executive Director. Our Trustee is Levi Maaia. I encourage everyone who is supportive within the community to give Levi our full support.

By introduction here is what is posted by AI. Please become familiar with the  Elings leadership and offer your support behind Levi.


Elings Park - Santa Barbara’s Elings Park is the largest community-supported non-profit public park in America


William (Bill) Talanian, w1uuq
SBARC Trustee Emeritus

Dean Noble serves as the Executive Director of Elings Park12. His leadership plays a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing this remarkable 230-acre non-profit park located in Santa Barbara, California. Elings Park is situated east of Las Positas Road and south of U.S. Highway 101. Notably, it holds the distinction of being the largest privately funded park in America3.

  • The Board of Directors includes dedicated individuals who contribute to the park’s success. Some of the board members are:

    • Patty Bryant (President)
    • Trish Allen
    • J. Gordon Auchincloss
    • Joe Andrulaitis
    • Joe Billings
    • John Britton
    • Marcia Constance
    • Hilary Doubleday
    • Virgil Elings
    • Bruce Giffin
    • Lauren Katz
    • Annette Kowblansky
    • Jennifer Oakley
    • Belita Ong
    • Holly Pieretti
    • Robert Schmidt
    • Lew Venegas
    • Dallas Verhagen
    • Jill Zachary (City Parks Director)
    • Carolyn Amory (Chairman Emeritus)1

Elings Park, although not operated by the city or county, relies on user fees and public donations to maintain and enhance its facilities. If you’d like to support this exceptional park, consider contributing or learning more about their initiatives12.

For further details, you can visit the Elings Park website. 🌳🌿