Hello SBARC Amateurs -

I have decided to take my efforts to improve the communications within the Section to the next level and I am turning to my friends in the Santa Barbara area for support.  I am running for the position of Section Manager of the ARRL Santa Barbara Section and  would appreciate you considering me for that position.

After sharing my goals with a large segment of the members of the Section, I found the desire to have a choice in this election was overwhelming.  Many others believe the Santa Barbara Section will greatly benefit from efforts to improve the sharing of information and the promotion of teamwork.  It is agreed that we need to effectively promote leadership efforts and work to incorporate new Hams into the community.  The success in doing this will require the efforts of a lot of you, but I am willing to provide active leadership.  Will you join me?

My goals and background are discussed in the attached flyer, and you can learn more about what I have done in the past by looking at my QRZ Bio.

ARRL Members will receive a Ballot in the mail in early October.  I ask for your vote and encourage you to promptly send in your Ballot.  If you do not know me, just ask your fellow SBARC Members.  I believe they will give me a good recommendation.  I will also try to attend the next Club Meeting so we can meet.

Questions or comments may be directed to K6IYK@K6IYK.net .

Thank You Very Much,

- Jim Fortney - K6IYK