Hi All,

Another thing that kind of goes with this is that there is also TeamTalk on the mesh.
It is a group audio/video/desktop kinda thing too, but on the mesh.

We have a "net" tonight at 8pm on the TeamTalk server down here.
(there is also the "text" portion of the "net" on MeshIRC and Mattermost which unofficially starts at 6pm tonight)

Download the TeamTalk client here: https://bearware.dk/?page_id=353
Connect it to: k6pvr-svr.local.mesh on the default port of 10333
username and password are "guest1", "guest2", etc (I think there are 5-6, but multiple people can use the same username, just try "guest1" to start)

On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 1:03 PM Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM <k6lcm@maaia.com> wrote:
SBARC Members,

You’ve probably heard by email from every organization you have ever done business with about what they are doing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. From wiping down gas pumps to shifting to takeout food only, there are so many changes, big and small, that challenge our normal routines. Hopefully this note will brighten your day with a new opportunity to socialize and engage in some of your favorite amateur radio activities in a new way!

This week, we conducted the Tuesday night Digital Net on 2m FM and on Google Meet, a free video conferencing service from Google that allows large groups like school classrooms, business boards and working groups to meet online, share video, audio and computer screens.

We will pilot Google Meet once again on the SBARC Thursday night 
March, 19 Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net at 8pm. 
Join us on the Club’s 2m FM repeaters 146.79 linked to 145.18, 
via Echolink or Allstar AND on Google Meet.

We will be posting a link just before the net to the Google Meet room on the home page at http://www.sbarc.org/. You will need a computer (preferably with a webcam and microphone) or a smartphone to join the meeting. 

If you are using a smartphone, you may download the Google Meet app from the Android or Apple app stores in preparation for the net. If you plan to use your computer you will need an up-to-date web browser.  Google Chrome is preferred but others are supported. You do not need a Google/Gmail account to participate in the videoconference.

Look for a meeting link on Thursday evening on the Club website and join us for an experiment which could lead to more virtual SBARC events including club meetings and more informal gatherings online. 

This an opportunity to hone our digital communication skills and blend amateur radio with other resources to keep our club members active and engaged. Social distancing doesn’t have to mean social isolation and with these tools we can see familiar faces, keep our scheduled activities and help each other through these challenging times.

Stay safe and healthy,

Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM
Director at Large
Co-Chair, Telecommunications Services Committee
Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation
