Nominations for SBARC 2011 Board of Directors
                                                                       by Darryl Widman, KF6DI 
                                                               Chairman, Nominating Committee

According to the Bylaws of the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club, a nominating committee appointed by the President, with the concurrence of the Board, shall meet prior to the election to consider and submit the names of qualified candidates for nomination as officers and directors at the October Club meeting next preceding the election and to all voting members in writing in advance of the election. Additional nominations may be made from the floor prior to the election. The nominees were named at our October Club meeting. The election will occur at the November Club meeting.

This will serve as the advance writing of those nominated by our committee. This year your nominating committee is composed of Al Soenke, WA6VNN,
 and Darryl Widman, KF6DI, as chairman.

It is with pleasure that your nominating committee presents the names of those who are willing to serve SBARC in the coming year on our Board of Directors.
President:  Alan Soenke, WA6VNN
Executive Vice President:  Darryl Widman, KF6DI -- Nominations Committee Chair

Vice President Education and Training:  Robert Pizzi, AC6PZ
Vice President Emergency Services:  Bruce Gordon, N6OLT -- Assets Committee Chair
Vice President External Affairs:  Andrew Seybold, W6AMS -- Ways for Means Chair
Vice President Operations:  Rick Whitaker, KG6VLB
Secretary:  Mike Wapner, K6QD
Treasurer:  Tom Saunders, N6YX -- Rover Committee Chair
Director at Large:  William Talanian, W1UUQ -- Repeater Trustee
Director at Large:  Cyril Johnson, AF6GW
Director at Large:  Rodney Fritz, WB9KMO
Director at Large:  open
Director at Large:  open

As is our custom, additional nominations may be made from the floor the evening of the election. Please seriously consider this as your opportunity to run for any position in our Club that you desire.

The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club will be entering its 91st year.
This is an amazing feat for any Amateur Radio club. Please come and vote for whom you feel is best for any position on our Board of Directors so that, in 2011, our Club may continue to grow and excel in whatever we do. And yes, you can nominate yourself for a position!

Does one of the board positions seem to fit you to a tee? Perhaps you can see another Club member fitting that position exactly. Add your name or their name at the November Club meeting when nominations are made from the floor. If you will be nominating someone from the floor, first be sure they will be willing to serve their Club for a year.
All SBARC members in good standing are elegible to vote. When you come to the November Club meeting on November 19, 2010, please bring with you your current Club Membership Card.

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