Hello and thank you for your interest in the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club's annual Hamfest and Family Reunion to be held at the Santa Barbara Elks Lodge #613 in Goleta on Sunday, August 13, 2006.  You really don't want to miss this one. 
For much more information and our Flyer for the event which includes order blank for the Santa Barbara style BBQ for adults and kids, Grand prize and Major prize tickets, click on the following link to our web site:
We anticipate a great many coming from clubs all over the State of California.  If you would be interested in staying overnight Saturday or Sunday, get in touch with me, Darryl Widman, KF6DI and ask for information available about that.
My co-chair, Al Soenke, WA6VNN, and I want you to thoroughly enjoy our great Hamfest this year.  Plan now for a terrific time.  Mark it on your calendar and prepare for a marvelous experience!
Darryl Widman, KF6DI
SBARC Hamfest Co-chair